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Striving towards paperless office...
The 21st century mantra 'Reduce, Re-use, Recycle' is especially applicable to your daily office work with paper. We ar Webigg Technology belive in following these steps, and combine with our company purchasing contributing in recycled paper and supporting the recycling of office paper. This results in your office cutting its paper use by more than half.
Webigg Technology belives that small actions from each of us can help protect our fragile global environment. The first thing to initiate this is to GET DIGITAL and use LESS PAPER. We have encouraged and promoted, sharing and distributing all kinds of document used in our office via electronic means instead of printing them.... Read More...
Webigg Technology strive towards raising the awareness level amongst people. We conduct various drives where our employess not only work to educate the people but also make them realize the value of this step by indulging in Clean India Green India initiative.
The Participating staff members were provided with necessary dresses and kits and were following a coach to reach target venue to have a real time experience of clean India initiative. They collected garbage from various places assigned to them thrown around by visitors on the road sides by spreading a clean India message with humble effort to educate visitors and onlookers found around the destinations. The litters, plastic covers, other waste materials were picked up and collected by the employees and were safely disposed off... Read More...
Workplace wellness is any workplace health promotion activity or organizational policy designed to support healthy behavior in the workplace and to improve health outcomes. Generally speaking, health promotion is defined as "the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health," and health promotion can be carried out in the workplace as well as many other settings. Wellness program at Webigg Technology consists of a variety of activities such as health fairs, health education, medical screenings, healthy office snack delivery services, health coaching, weight management programs, wellness newsletters, on-site fitness programs and/or facilities and educational programs.
At Webigg technology, our mission is to help our employees thrive through a fit and active lifestyle. Smart businesses share a similar mission for its employees, one where workers are encouraged to improve their health and fitness levels, increase their energy and productivity, and lower their healthcare spending. Wellness Program at Webigg Technology makes it possible for employees to encourage wellness at work... Read More...
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