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The biggest asset of an organization's success is its people. At Webigg Technology, we understand the importance of providing a thought-provoking and fun-filled environment to our employees. We believe that while learning is important, having fun with learning is even more important. Hence we provide the environment, culture and the opportunities for our employees to forge a path in their career. At Webigg, it doesn’t matter what role an employee has—everyone’s input is expected and valued. Apart from domain expertise, hands-on approach is applied. Employees are invested in helping where they can with their interests and satisfaction, regardless of job titles, and this provides insight that allows us to make informed decisions, to grow, and to succeed.
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Mr. Ashish K (Sales Manager)
Mr. Dev Malik (Support Head)
Ms. Lalita Yadav (Social Media Expert)
Mr. Karan Dang (Web Developer)
Ms. Deep Mala Pandey (SEO Expert)
Ms. Shobha Sinha (SEO Expert)
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