For WordPress professionals, the platform is second nature and the benefits of using WordPress for building websites are completely obvious. However, we often forget that clients don’t possess that same knowledge.
All they want is a website and they don’t care about what’s running it. Others, however, do care and sometimes have open doubts about whether WordPress is worth their time and money because they lack the necessary information.
Do WordPress Websites Rank Well?
Another important concern for clients is whether WordPress can take their site to first place in Google.
WordPress is extremely search-engine friendly out of the box, giving your client site a head start in their quest for search rank domination. However, that’s not all. There are also plenty of built-in tools and WordPress plugins to further improve the SEO of WordPress websites. While search rankings depend on more than that, the CMS offers a solid basis to start from.
Are WordPress Websites Mobile Friendly?
Mobile friendliness might not necessarily be an important agenda for clients. Not everyone is aware that mobile traffic continues to eclipse that of desktop computers.
Also, even the WordPress back end is by now mobile compatible and in addition to the official iOS and Android mobile apps can be used to take care of websites on the go.
So, the answer to the question whether WordPress is mobile friendly is an unequivocal yes.
Is WordPress Easy to Use?
The topic of taking care of the website after it has been handed over is another frequent concern.
As mentioned earlier, cost is often a consideration and clients are hesitant to invest in a technology that causes them to constantly pay someone else to make even the smallest changes to their site.
Plus, the platform has powerful multimedia capabilities with built-in support for images, videos, and audio files as well as extensive media file management options including image editing.
Is WordPress Suitable for Teams?
Website administration is increasingly a team effort with entire departments dividing tasks among them. If our client is concerned about WordPress’s ability to accommodate this workflow, you can tell them to stop fretting.
Multiple user roles with defined capabilities enable them to give anyone as much access as they want to. If none of them fit their needs, creating additional user roles is just as easy.
So, Is WordPress the Way to Go?
To anyone not familiar with the platform, the benefits of using WordPress are far from obvious. Viewed from the outside, it’s just one CMS among many.
Especially with new or potential clients, this issue frequently comes up, and without a strategy for addressing their doubts, this can mean a sudden dead end for a promising project.
For that reason, it’s vital for WordPress professionals to prepare for client hesitance and educate them on the benefits of using WordPress for their website.