Black Hat SEO vs White Hat SEO

Exploring White Hat SEO

As an SEO Company, we strongly recommend that websites who wish to increase their number of visitors need to make sure to use White Hat search engine optimization (SEO). By doing this, you are not only improving your visibility to a broader audience but also playing by the rules. To learn more about what White Hat SEO is and the different techniques used as an SEO services company, continue reading below.

What is White Hat SEO?

First, let’s define White Hat SEO. White Hat SEO refers to the strategies and tactics that aim to provide users with the best search engine results and to increase one’s ranking in the SERPs in an ethical manner. This method uses organic techniques, which means that the website itself has to be of excellent quality.

Website managers need to optimize everything on their site to ensure that they do well in the search engine ranking. These search engines will focus on judging the quality of content that can be found on your site. There are numerous factors that you have to consider and ensure that they are presented in the best way, such as:

  • Written content
  • Meta information
  • Site performance and speed
  • Site design, architecture, and navigation
  • Visual content (images and videos)

As long as you try to operate your website without outsmarting or tricking the ranking algorithm, then you are practicing White Hat SEO.

Why is it Important?

White Hat SEO is essential since search standards and transparency have elevated throughout the years. It has become increasingly difficult for websites to find loopholes in the system. If you try to cheat your way into the ranks, search engines like Google can identify the action that has violated its terms.

Today, people who spend a lot of time surfing the net are a lot more discerning when it comes to browsing through a website. If you are not providing engaging and high-quality content, they will most likely exit and go to another site. Instead of stuffing a bunch of keywords into your written content, it is better to create original content.

What is Black Hat SEO?

Black Hat SEO is an “illegal” way for you to improve your ranks in the search engine. However, it is through methods that cheat and trick the system. In short, Black Hat SEO is the opposite of White Hat SEO.

Instead of focusing on the readers and trying to impress them with content, black hatters aim to impress machines. They do this because it helps them climb up the ranks a lot faster.
Black Hat SEO techniques do not follow Google guidelines and try to find loopholes in the Google algorithms for them to attain their goals.

Difference between White Hat and Black Hat SEO

The two SEO types are similar in the sense that their goal is to rise in the ranks and attract more visitors to their website. However, there are several differences between the two.

The most significant difference between the two is the manner in which the end objective to reach the goal is achieved.

While White Hat SEO focuses on providing unique, quality content that naturally earns backlinks, blackhat SEO uses tactics that are illegal in the eyes of search engines, especially Google, in an attempt for “faster” ranking.

A disadvantage of using Black Hat SEO is that there are several risks involved. If you are caught using such techniques, you will face different penalties and drop in rankings, if not totally deindexed.


Why Avoid Black Hat SEO Techniques at All Costs

Although there are functional implications of using Black Hat SEO strategies, it is still undoubtedly unethical. Other than it being a dishonest act, there are other reasons why you should avoid this practice, such as:

  • It is costly. Black hatters end up paying more for immoral ways. In the past, Google was not as strict, which allowed the practice of Black Hat SEO to be much cheaper. However, because Google has increased security and has gotten smarter, old-school black hat tactics do not work anymore.

One example is the creation of a PBN. You will have to pay a large amount of money to buy expired domains and get a hosting server.

  • It is very risky. Again, Google has upped its patrol and can now easily spot Black Hat techniques. They have implemented penalties and punishments for those who try to cheat the system.

If you ever get caught, you won’t be able to get out of it, and you will have to face the consequences. It is better to improve your ranking through honest ways.

  • It is a complicated procedure.To pull off Black Hat SEO techniques, you need to be computer savvy since you need to search for loopholes in the system. There are instances wherein you may have to hack certain websites, and you can only do this if you understand how the web works.


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