Voice search allows users to ask questions and give commands to devices verbally. Amazon’s Echo, Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google’s Nest are some of the most popular devices to harness voice search.
While voice search is a complicated process involved in Machine Learning, the very basic voice search works by:
Processing speech into text
Analyzing text for either a question or command
Connecting to an external data source, like a search engine or Wikipedia, to search for relevant information
Translating this information back based on user intent
Typically, voice search pulls information from search engines, Wikipedia, and major websites to fulfill requests.
While voice search encompasses various functions, such as playing music, voice dialing, or setting timers, their ability to perform a question-based search is the most important to marketing and business.
Voice search impacts how users will view your information. It creates an entirely different and separate search experience than typing into a computer or mobile device. There’s no longer a page of results, but one or two sentences to answer their questions and pull up your page.
What is Voice Search SEO?
Voice Search SEO, or Voice SEO, is the process of optimizing your content for searches that use voice assistants. It is a component of search engine optimization that is gaining increasing importance as more and more people use voice assistants.
Because typing and speech are two separate mediums, users usually approach them with different intent. When polled about why they choose to use voice search:
43% of users said it was faster than surfing the web or using an app
42% said it was safer while they were driving
These two reasons should affect how marketers approach optimizing for voice search: users are looking for answers on-the-go. They want fast answers instead of in-depth content that analyzes every point.
When marketers understand how voice affects search, they can create a more comprehensive plan to address these new search behaviors. Some of these behaviors include:
More natural language. Users may type short and stilted keywords (think “restaurants New York City”), while their speech will be in (more) complete sentences (such as, “what are the best restaurants in New York City?”).
Action-oriented searches. Google found that voice searches are 30 times more likely to be action queries. Users want an easy way to find places and buy on-the-go.
Longer search queries. Because there is more of an emphasis on natural language, it results in longer search queries. Users will speak words.
Emphasis on question words in search. Question words are vital in voice searches: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Users typically ask questions of their devices, so that will end up in their queries.
Concise results. The typical voice search result is only 29 words. The answers that are thorough yet concise are the ones that are critical in voice search.
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