There might be thousands of prospects out there who are aware of your brand, but until they engage with you in some way, they remain strangers to your company. How do you draw such targets in and capture their interest so that they’ll make themselves, and ideally their email addresses or phone numbers, known to you? Through lead generation.
Simply put, lead generation is the process of converting strangers — prospects that have indicated an interest in what you’re offering — into leads and starting them on the journey of becoming a customer.
After all, if you haven’t captured a prospect’s interest and figured out how to communicate with and identify them, you have no one to aim your marketing efforts at — no one to nurture toward purchase. That’s why it’s important you manage your lead generation practices well.
How lead generation has evolved with digital transformation
First and foremost, it’s key to understand that the lead generation process today looks nothing like it did 40, 30, and even 20 years ago. With the rise of the internet, the way brands reach potential customers has changed drastically
Information overload and attention scarcity. With the proliferation of online channels, consumers are now inundated with information. They’ve had to learn how to tune certain messages out, and they’ve become pickier about the content they consume. As a result, brands have to work much harder to cut through the noise and grab attention. A strong lead generation strategy is now essential.
The shift from “finding” to “being found.” Because of the abundance of information out there, buyers today are fairly self-directed. They do their own research and actively seek out brands that appeal to them. While in the past, companies would spend much of their time looking for and “finding” prospective customers, today businesses invest in tactics that position them to “be found” by consumers organically.
The rise of new channels. Companies used to be limited to offline lead generation tactics (more on this later). Today, thanks to digital transformation, businesses can use everything from blogs and Facebook posts to SEO and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to capture attention.
Access to data. Thanks to analytics, we can now closely monitor user behavior and measure the impact of marketing activities. Insights from data provide us with invaluable information about prospects and the types of messages they respond to best. As a result, lead generation strategies can be less generic and more personalized, and less based on intuition and more on hard facts.
A heightened focus on relationships. Lead generation used to be about initiating interest for the purpose of ultimately closing a sale. Now, customers expect engagement with brands. They want two-way communication and meaningful interaction at multiple touch points. Lead generation is now more about initiating long-term relationships with prospects than anything else.
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