How to Speed Up Your Slow Loading Website

How to Speed Up Your Slow Loading Website

When building and launching a website, user experience should be your top priority.  This means that the website should be fully functional, easy to navigate, and have fast loading times.  Website speed is one of the most important aspects of the user experience on your website as slow loading speeds will cause visitors to leave your website and go to one of your competitors.

People have the Internet at their fingertips and this accessibility means that you have a very short window to capture those who find your website.  Good website speed is crucial to avoid losing visitors to your website within the first few seconds.  If your website does not load fast enough, users will move on to the next search result.  Fortunately, there are things you can do to improve slow website speeds

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The easiest way to check the loading speed of your website is to use Google PageSpeed Insights.  If your website is loading too slow, there are several possible factors that could be affecting your page speed.  The following are the main things you should check and adjust to improve the loading time of your website.

Web Hosting Service

The first thing you should do is look into your hosting service.  Is your website hosted via shared, dedicated or cloud hosting?  If your website is on shared hosting, you should consider switching to dedicated or cloud hosting.  Shared hosting can slow your website down as it shares the same server with other websites while dedicated hosting is faster because your website will be on its own server.

File Sizes

Media like images, videos, and animations can enhance a website, but they can also slow down the loading speed if the files are too big.  Media files should be compressed and properly sized and optimized so that they load quickly.


You can add some interesting functions to your website using various plugins.  However, too many plugins can slow the loading time of your website.  If you are using plugins on your website, make sure the ones you use are well optimized and built for good page speed.

Style Requirements

Websites are built with coding such as HTML which is used for the layout and structure and CSS and JavaScript which are used to style the website.  If the style and coding are not optimized properly, they can slow down your website.  Make sure you optimize the style and coding you use and try to stick to only one style.


Caching prevents reloading the same web elements for returning visitors and helps to speed up loading of already visited pages.  You can use caching plugins to make this happen.


If you need to move or temporarily remove a page on your website, you can put in a redirect to make sure visitors get to the right place.  However, you have to use redirects wisely. Do not create a redirect chain in which one redirect leads to another redirect and don’t form loops in which one redirect leads to a page that tries to redirect back to the original.  Also remove redirects that are not right or no longer needed.

For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: Internet Marketing Services, Content Marketing Services, Reputation Management, Search Engine Optimization & Social Media Optimization.

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