Hemingway Editor
Hemingway Editor is a fantastic resource for everyday writing tasks, but it’s especially helpful when reviewing articles for SEO optimization. Hemingway Editor analyzes your articles to find and highlight any sentences that are difficult or “very difficult,” to read. It also highlights instances of passive voice. Articles that are highly readable are more frequently shared, and articles that are shared the most get the best SEO rating.
Grammarly is like a premium version of Hemingway Editor, and more. Besides highlighting passive voice and long sentences, it also shows you grammar, punctuation, and writing style errors. Having grammatically correct content is an important part of optimizing an article for both humans and search engines, and an easy way to get an advantage over your competitors who neglect proofreading their content with a pro grammar checker.
The basic version of Grammarly is sufficient for most bloggers, but if you really want to take it up a notch Grammarly offers a discount for students which anyone can use to get this tool cheaper.
Read-Able is similar to Hemingway Editor in its ability to analyze your articles based on readability. But instead of highlighting sentences that are difficult to read, it gives your text an overall readability score. The score tells you what age group will be able to read the page easily. If you have a URL for the website, you can enter the URL instead of the text.
Keyword Density Checker scans your text or URL address to find out how many times you have cited each keyword. It’s particularly helpful if you have a very large article, and you want to make sure it’s not overly saturated with keywords. As mentioned before, keywords should take up about 1-2% of the text.
SEO Optimization
This on-page optimization tool analyzes your website or URL address and gives you an overview of the SEO Optimization factors. You can add up to five keywords, which the algorithm will search for and tell you how often each word is used.
Choose your keywords wisely
Some marketers like to just sit down and start writing. They leave SEO optimization for the last moment.
Others start by writing down the keywords they want to incorporate in their content.
That’s the approach I prefer.
You start by identifying keywords relevant to your topic. You either come up with them off the top of your head, use the keyword planning tools like the one from Google, use a more advanced SEO tool like Ahrefs or KWFinder (compare them here), or hire an SEO agency to do that for you.
Optimize your images
Images are essential to making your content interesting and shareable. People are far more likely to purchase from a company whose website has attractive and relevant photos.
You can optimize the photos by adding keywords to the image files and providing the ALT tags.
Make sure you also optimize the size of the photo. Pictures that are too large will slow down the load time and hurt the SEO.
Make the image as small as possible without compromising the visibility or quality. Many image editors will let you do that with their in-built features. If yours hasn’t got it, an alternative is the Squoosh app, a free tool that lets you resize and compress your image files quickly.
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