Each year Google changes its search algorithm hundreds of times. While most of these changes are minor, every few months Google rolls out a “major” algorithmic update that affects search results in a significant way.
For search marketers, knowing the dates of these Google algorithm updates can help explain fluctuations in rankings and organic website traffic. Below, we’ve listed the history of Google’s algorithm changes that had the biggest impact on search results. Understanding these updates can be critical to search engine optimization.
Top Heavy 3 Update
FEBRUARY 06, 2014
Google’s Page Layout Algorithm targets pages with disproportionate number of ads above the fold in relation to page content.
Google’s Matt Cutts confirmed this algorithm refresh in a Tweet.
Page Layout Algorithm’s goal is to make users’ search experience more efficient and quick, enabling them to reach the content they’re seeking.
Penguin Update 5 (ref 2.1)
OCTOBER 04, 2013
Penguin 2.1 (Penguin 5th edition) was released in Google’s continuing battle against web spam. We see a corresponding spike in the Rank Risk Index on October 5th.
Search Engine Journal reports: Penguin 2.1: What Changed Since 2.0, and How to Recover
Hummingbird Update
AUGUST 21, 2013
Hummingbird, released around August 21st, is a new search algorithm that Google developed with a focus on Semantic Search. Their goal is to provide more personalized results based on your online behavior, location, trends, etc. The Rank Risk Index (RRI) captured this significant change on August 21st.
Panda Update 26
JUNE 28, 2013
As Google was either testing or rolling out the new multi-week algorithm update that Matt Cutts mentioned on Twitter, the Rank Risk Index soared into the danger zone. This update targets websites with low quality content. Although some sources report that Google released an update on June 18th, our Risk Index indicates that the affects of this update were strongest on the 28th.
This is a good time to revisit Search Engine Land’s SEO Guide that outlines and provides possible responses to Violations & Search Engine Spam Penalties
Penguin Update 4 (ref 2.0)
MAY 22, 2013
Newer generation Penguin enables Google to dig deeper into sites for web spam according to Google’s Matt Cutts a few hours before this release. The update will have a greater impact on SEO and webmasters.
Read more in Search Engine Land’s announcement of Penguin 2.0.