Meta Tag, Meta Element
= An element that appears in the code of the website to provide additional information to search engines and sometimes users.
Title Tag
= Description of the content of the page to search engines and users.
Shown in search engine results on Google to indicate the topic of the web page. It also appears in the top tab of the browser browser.
It is very important for SEO to use your exact keyphrase at the beginning of the Title, followed by a secondary key phrase or business name.
Suggested length is 70 characters.
Keywords Meta Tag
= Indication of the keywords targeted on that page.
There is a debate if this tag impacts on SEO, but we suggest to include your exact keyphrase here, if only to keep track of what you are targeting on the page.
Description Meta Tag
= Description of the content of the page to search engines and users.
Shown in search engine results on Google to indicate the topic of the web page. It also appears in the top tab of the browser browser.
It is very important for SEO to use your exact keyphrase at the beginning of the Title, followed by a secondary key phrase or business name.
Suggested length is 70 characters
= Used to style text that is normally used as a heading and also indicates to search engines that the text is an important topic on the page.
The level of the headings are indicated as H1 being most important, H2 second most important, H3, H4, etc. Most CMSs have an easy way to format text as one of these headings.
It is best practice for SEO to include your exact keyphrase in your H1 heading and a variation of it in your H2 headings.
Alt Tags
= (Alternative Tags/ Picture Tags) Used for images to indicate the subject of the image.
It is best practice for SEO to use your exact keyphrase within the alt tag, while making it logical when read to visually impaired users. It is also beneficial to use the primary key phrases as the name of the file of the image.
Anchor Text
= The text used for a link to a page or external website.
For this text, it is best practice for SEO to use the primary keyphrase of the web page you are linking to (not from).
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Social Media Marketing India, Internet Marketing India, Search engine marketing India, Internet Marketing Company India, Internet Marketing Company New Delhi.