You may have heard about responsive design, because the thinking has been around for a while now. Responsive web design (RWD) is a technique utilized in web design that aims to provide to site viewers the best viewing experience possible across a wide range of devices. When building responsive websites, the site is built using a proportion-based grid, flexible-sized images, and media queries via CSS.

In today’s world you should generally plan on building a website responsively. The number of mobile users viewing websites on their devices will only increase over time, so make sure your website is running on a platform which gives the optimal experience for any user on any screen-size. Otherwise, you could leave a very wrong impression with visitors who struggle to view your content on their phones, so much so that they may never return for a follow-up visit!


Have you ever tried finding a specific destination without any directions whatsoever on how to arrive there? The likelihood of reaching your destination was probably close to zero. This is what users face when they stumble upon a new website. To alleviate their struggle, it is key to employ a clear, simple, and easy-to-use navigation.


The most beautiful website in the world is worth nothing if it isn’t usable. As websites these days become more interactive, it’s the designer’s job to make absolutely sure the website functions well and is easy to use. Always be sure to look out for usability issues such as:

  1. Unexpected placement for very obvious things. For example, we typically find search bars somewhere at the top of the page (either top right, or, if called out more, top-center). If we place the search bar at the bottom of the page, it will take a while for users to find it. In cases like this the conventional placement of useful UI elements is the best route to take. Humans are creatures of habit – if you place elements in areas where they aren’t usually found on other websites, you will inevitably confuse your users.

  2. Launching a website without any form of user testing. You won’t know for certain any user behavior patterns on the website until you get it in the hands of users. Maybe the CTA you thought would get 100% visibility and 80% clickability performed poorly in actual testing. Maybe the one subtle element on the page actually gets clicked 4x as much as you anticipated. Either way, you don’t know what you don’t know, and you won’t know until you test!

The best and most cost-efficient way to test for usability issues is with prototypes. The prototypes don’t even have to be coded up – they can simply be design mockups that link each page to another. Invision is a great prototyping tool that transforms static screens into clickable, interactive prototypes.

For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: Website Content Writing Services, Infographics Creation, Website Designing Services, Website Redesigning Services & Logo design.

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