Search Engine Optimization Stats
- 61% of global Internet users research products online. (Interconnected World: Shopping and Personal Finance, 2012)
- 44% of online shoppers begin by using a search engine. (Interconnected World: Shopping and Personal Finance, 2012)
- On average, we conduct 12 billion searches per month on the web in the United States.
- The average click-through rate for paid search in 2010 (worldwide) was 2%.
- Businesses with websites of 401-1000 pages get 6x more leads than those with 51-100 pages.
- 86% of consumers stated that using a search engine allowed them to learn something new or important that helped him/her increase his/her knowledge. (Pew Research Center, Search Engine Use 2012)
- The average content length for a web page that ranks in the top 10 results for any keyword on Google has at least 2,000 words. The higher up you go on the search listings page, the more content each web page has. (QuickSprout)
- If a post is greater than 1,500 words, on average it receives 68.1% more tweets and 22.6% more Facebook likes than a post that is under 1,500 words. (QuickSprout)
- 60% of all organic clicks go to the organic top 3 search results. (Business2Community)
- YouTube has become the 2nd Largest Search Engine – bigger than Bing, Yahoo, Ask & AOL combined. (Social Media Today)
- 50% of all mobile searches are conducted in hopes of finding local results, and 61% of those searches result in a purchase. (Search Engine Watch)
- SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) have a 1.7% close rate. (Search Engine Journal)
Blogging Stats
- There are 31% more bloggers today than there were three years ago.
- 46% of people read blogs more than once a day.
- Marketers who have prioritized blogging are 13x more likely to enjoy positive ROI.
- Nearly 40% of US companies use blogs for marketing purposes.
- B2B companies place a higher value on educational formats like blogging and webinars, whereas consumer businesses are slightly more willing to experiment with advanced digital formats like interactive content and online tools. Infographics were also preferred.
- 84% of inbound marketers – compared to only 9% of outbound marketers – cite organic sources (blogging, SEO, social media) as rising in importance.
- 82% of marketers who blog daily acquired a customer using their blog, as opposed to 57% of marketers who blog monthly — which, by itself, is still an impressive result
- 79% of companies that have a blog report a positive ROI for inbound marketing in 2013.