Social Media Trends For 2019

Can’t believe 2018 is almost over and it’s time to start thinking about 2019 social media trends and predictions. While it’s difficult to predict the future, some things on social media won’t necessarily change. Of course, we can talk about new updates, new features and perhaps a new way of consuming video on social media (like IGTV for example), but chances are that we won’t see anything drastically new in social media in 2019. But what if I’m wrong?

Social commerce will grow exponentially

There is a top of 5 social networks that doesn’t change much from year-to-year. I am talking, about: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Pinterest. But, in the last few years, photo-driven social media platforms had become very, very popular: Instagram, Snapchat and Pinterest. And it comes as no surprise. Because our attention span is also very short and it’s easier to digest visual content rather than text. I’d say that the growing popularity of Instagram, for example, is also because they sell a dream, a perfect life. The perfect filtered life!

2019 social media trends: Shopping on Instagram

Instagram is more than just a place you browse to find inspiration, it’s also a place of action. Another major social media trend on Instagram in 2019 is using this social media platform as a shopping tool. Yes, that is possible since Instagram introduced shoppable posts, which basically means adding links to your images directly on Instagram. But recently Instagram introduced shoppable Instagram Stories stickers. This way e-commerce brands can use the “product” sticker in Instagram Stories to tag specific products in stories, just like you can with regular Instagram shopping posts.

The rise of ephemeral content. Vertical video

2019 social media trends: Vertical video

Yes, vertical video is everywhere these days: from Instagram Story, IGTV, Instagram Live to Youtube. Who would’ve said, 2 years ago that vertical video would become the new way we consume video content on social media?!

But it makes total sense. We rarely use our laptops to scroll on social media, but we all use our smartphones for a scroll down Instagram feed. So, for all brands out there who want to make it on Instagram in 2019, the time is now to start learning how to create vertical content for Instagram. Start investing in a proper social media team.

Simple and more meaningful interactions. Chatbots

Facebook is the most popular social media platform around the globe with more than 2.6 billion people using Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, or Messenger each month.

While public sharing is and will always be important, it seems like more and more people want to share privately too. Share a funny meme with their friends on Facebook messenger or an entertaining story that disappears in 24 hours.

Augmented reality

Although it sounds kind of futuristic, you’ve probably already used augmented reality before. It all started with Snapchat introducing the famous “rainbow barfing” filter and soon Instagram and Facebook jumped on the bandwagon. In 2019, most celebrities have their own Instagram or Snapchat filter. For example, Rihanna launched her own shiny, sparkling filter – that will, of course, make you shine bright like a diamond (pun intended).

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