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Web Design Trends for 2017 – Part 1

1. More brands adopt a mobile-first approachAs the name suggests, mobile-first design is the process of designing for mobile (or smallest screened devices) [...]

Web Design Trends 2017 – Part 2

New Navigation PatternsNavigation does not have to be glued to the top of the design. From hidden or pop-out styles to navigation on the side or bottom of the [...]

Web Design Trends 2017 – Part 1

GradientsMissing from the design landscape for a few years, gradients are making a major comeback. But the look of the color blurring technique has shifted.In [...]

Positive Reputation

Create a Positive Reputation Before Anything Negative HappensOne way to manage your reputation is to make sure you have as much positive press as possible. [...]

Twitter for Business and Marketing

About TwitterTwitter is a short message communication tool that allows you to send out messages (tweets) up to 140 characters long to people who subscribe to [...]

Difference between HTML 4 and HTML 5

Consistency in Handling Malformed DocumentsThe primary one is consistent, defined error handling. As you know, HTML purposely supports 'tag soup', or the [...]

Simple Steps to Create a Facebook Retargeting Campaign

When you’re ready to set up your Facebook retargeting campaign, just follow these five simple steps. Note that these instructions assume that you already [...]


The reputation management definition can be separated into three different categories. Obviously, it is managing the reputation of a company, but it can be [...]

Reputation Management

Reputation management (sometimes referred to as rep management, online reputation management or ORM) is the practice of attempting to shape public [...]

Cascading Style Sheets

CSS: THE VISUAL LANGUAGE OF THE WEBThe front end of a website is everything that a user sees and interacts with when they land on your site. Its core trio of [...]