Internet Marketing Company

SEO trends and practices

With all the changes google keeps making, it’s getting more and more difficult to know which changes are going to up your SEO game in 2019, here are some SEO [...]

Web Design and Development

There are many considerations that you should be aware of before you can begin with your website design and development project. It is vital that you address [...]

Latest SEO Trends – Improve Your SEO for 2019

Life is moving at a fast rate and so is our search engine’s algorithm. To keep up with the search engine’s pace, these 7 SEO trends are game-changing [...]

The Importance of Video Marketing

Why Video?Video is a versatile and engaging content format that not only gives us a real-life picture of what is going on; it’s also easy to share across [...]

The 2020 Google Search Algorithm So Far

Only 10 days into the 2017, and we were hit with an update that targets mobile websites with intrusive pop-ups or interstitials. As both a consumer and an SEO [...]

5 Efficient Reputation Management Strategies

Perception is reality, and in today’s digital landscape, a negative reputation can be the kiss of death for any business or brand. That’s why online [...]

Analytics and How It’s Changing Digital Marketing

Data science and machine learning are quickly transforming every industry. From fashion to finance, these technological capabilities are empowering users by [...]


Many websites use HTTP. However, back in 2014, Google recommended that sites switch to HTTPS. Until then, only sites with e-commerce pages really bothered to [...]

Online Reputation Management Part – 3

“Online reputation management.” Even if you’ve never heard this phrase before, you probably have a good sense of what it means. The first part (“online [...]

What Is the Google Algorithm

Unless you are in the business of online marketing, all of the digital marketing jargon can be confusing. You’re an expert in your business, but you never [...]