Upgrade to expanded text ads
Expanded text ads provide more space for your ad text and are designed for optimal performance on mobile devices. To take [...]
Comments Off on What are Google algorithm updates?
Every year, Google makes updates to its algorithm, ranging from hundreds of minor adjustments to a handful of major updates. In the last year, Google made core [...]
One thing we always mention to our clients when it comes to SEO is that it is not a set-it and forget-it process. SEO is constantly evolving, and staying on [...]
Comments Off on Highlighting Great Experiences in Google Search
Believe that providing information about the quality of a web page's experience can be helpful to users in choosing the search result that they want to visit. [...]
Successful digital strategies are not about aesthetics or style, but a fit between what your brand promises and delivers. To develop your strategy, ask [...]
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Step 4: Optimise your code
While writing content for people is very important, you need to pay attention to how you optimise your website’s code so search [...]
Comments Off on Social Media – Get to Know Your Customers
The more your customers interact with your company on social media, the more you learn about them. On a basic level, the content they interact with gives you [...]
Meta tags are important because they impact how your site appears in the SERPs and how many people will be inclined to click through to your website. They [...]
Comments Off on SEO Trends To Boost Your Rankings in 2021 – Part 1
You already know the importance of positioning your pages on the top of Google SERPs rankings, right? Well-ranked pages provide enormous organic reach to your [...]
Local SEO is essential to smaller businesses that operate on a regional, as opposed to a national, level. While national SEO focuses more on ranking in [...]