Internet Marketing

Predictions on the Future of Digital Marketing

With more than 40% growth in digital media marketing including Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the digital industry is on the rise. As we start afresh in a [...]

Why Are Online Reviews So Important To Local Business

A disgruntled customer would have a somewhat limited audience when it came to sharing news of their negative experience—they might tell their immediate group [...]

Online Reputation Management Strategy – Part 1

Online reputation management (ORM) is a strategy and process of monitoring, identifying, and influencing your digital reputation and credibility online. An [...]

What Are the Key Elements of Reputation Management

Review MonitoringThe top websites for business reviews (platforms like Yelp, Facebook, and Google) are teeming with customer activity. Monitoring these and the [...]

Social Bookmarking Ingredients

Many social bookmarking services provide web feeds for their lists of bookmarks, including lists organized by tags. This allows subscribers to become aware of [...]

What is SEO

Search Engine Optimization is, very simply, the act of acquiring traffic from search engines to any of the digital assets that you own.Most commonly the asset [...]

Web Design Trends to Watch for in 2019 Part 1

Rotating AnimationsWhat is the ultimate web design strategy that will keep users coming back to your site? Try switching up your content! The Disruption [...]

Digital Marketing a Good Career

What is a Digital Marketing Professional?The rising trend of digitizing businesses has created the need for a new kind of professionals: ones well-versed in [...]

Online Reputation Management (ORM) or SEO

Online Reputation Management (ORM) is a bit broader of a term, and is used to specifically manage the online reputation of a person, place, thing, site, brand, [...]

What’s the Difference between SEO, SEM, and SMM

SEO - Search Engine OptimizationSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of ongoing best practices used for your website and blog to help you get found online [...]