Online Marketing Company

The Importance of Calls to Action

An effective call to action, or CTA, can have a resounding impact on revenue while also expanding customer reach.CTAs are common throughout the web, from [...]

How CSS works

CSS is interpreted by the browser (the application used to view the webpage, e.g. Internet Explorer or Google Chrome) and then used to decide how the webpage [...]

How to Use Facebook Live: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Broadcast on Facebook LiveFacebook Live started as a mobile-only broadcasting feature, but now, Facebook Pages can broadcast from either mobile devices [...]

Benefits Of Cascading Style Sheets – Part 2

If you’re not using cascading style sheets in your web pages yet shame on you. CSS has excellent support in today’s browsers. It’s relatively easy to [...]

Important for SEO Ethics

“Content is only relevant for search engines…” Creating content requires balancing additional value for users and optimization for search engines. Good [...]

SEO Topics You Need to Care About

Has SEO (Search Engine Optimization) played a role in your business over the last few years? If it has and you’ve spent any time reading about this subject, [...]

Digital Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2017 – Part 2

Search algorithm will change. And change again. Like it or not, but the search engine algorithms will change. With the enormous amount of information being [...]

Social Media & Online Reputation Management Plan

No matter who you are or what your business does, it’s just about impossible to avoid seeing negative feedback. And that’s OK because as many grumps there [...]

Social Media Marketing Tips For Beginners

What is social media marketing?Social media marketing is the process of building awareness about you, your products or services through the various social [...]

Social Media Marketing Tips

Mine Twitter to Grow Your AudienceWhile “if you build it they will come” is a great line from a movie, it’s a terrible marketing plan. To succeed on the [...]