Search engine marketing India

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is a business practice in which a company hires a third-party to perform tasks, handle operations or provide services for the company. The [...]

Important Meta Tags and Other HTML Tags/Elements

Meta Tag, Meta Element = An element that appears in the code of the website to provide additional information to search engines and sometimes [...]

What are Google algorithm updates?

Every year, Google makes updates to its algorithm, ranging from hundreds of minor adjustments to a handful of major updates. In the last year, Google made core [...]


One thing we always mention to our clients when it comes to SEO is that it is not a set-it and forget-it process. SEO is constantly evolving, and staying on [...]

Highlighting Great Experiences in Google Search

Believe that providing information about the quality of a web page's experience can be helpful to users in choosing the search result that they want to visit. [...]

Boost Your Social Media Marketing

Successful digital strategies are not about aesthetics or style, but a fit between what your brand promises and delivers. To develop your strategy, ask [...]

Vital SEO first steps for a new website – Part 2

Step 4: Optimise your code While writing content for people is very important, you need to pay attention to how you optimise your website’s code so search [...]

Digital Marketing Tool for your business

Date Analytics Tools Google Analytic: Google Analytic is one of the most popular digital marketing tool to analyse data of any website. More than 90% [...]

SEO Trends To Boost Your Rankings in 2021 – Part 1

You already know the importance of positioning your pages on the top of Google SERPs rankings, right? Well-ranked pages provide enormous organic reach to your [...]

What Makes People Click and Convert

Certain types of advertisements get more clicks and conversions than others. Understanding these trends helps marketers position themselves for the best [...]