According to the Social Science Research Network, 65% of the population are “visual learners.” Within any given market, a significant spectrum of the potential audience is comprised of people who are more likely to respond to image-based media than to paragraphs of text. Kissmetrics suggests that articles with images get 94% more views than those without.
The profusion and accessibility of visual content, particularly with the rise of mobile devices and image-based social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, is a testament to the fact that we are living in an increasingly visual culture. Considering that 90% of the information processed by the human brain is visual, it is only natural that the brain has a psychological inclination towards information presented in a way that incorporates imagery.
A significant challenge for many businesses lies in discovering how to convey information effectively in a way that resonates with potential or existing customers. In an era with an increasing emphasis on user experience, the relationship between content and presentation can be a make-or-break factor when it comes to connecting with an audience. You can have great content, but unless presented in a way that is accessible and visually compelling, your message will be lost amidst a sea of competing voices. To tell someone something is simply to “talk at” them, but to show them involves providing them with an experience.
Infographics utilize a strategy that relies on “showing” rather than “telling.” A well-executed infographic naturally attracts the eye through a careful use of color and composition. Once the viewer’s attention is captured, an infographic provides a visually compelling journey that escorts the viewer through a series of steps or points, conveying important information in a seamless way that can be easily absorbed.
The mixed-media approach that defines successful infographics appeals to people at all levels of experience. Rather than stating a complex problem and promising an ideal solution, infographics provide a guiding framework for viewers to engage with the problem and see the solution unfold through a process of gradual and actionable understanding. By using a combination of color, typographical hierarchies, and guided imagery, complex content is delivered in a way that flows visually, illustrating the most important messages in a progressive way. An excellent infographic can address a challenge or pain point and guide a viewer through a solution using a step-by-step approach that feels simple, transparent, and inclusive. A fundamental principle of good design is that inviting people to participate in an experience is far more compelling than simply telling them about it, and this is precisely what high-quality infographics accomplish. Even rather mundane subjects can be brought to life through stunning visualizations created by a talented designer.
Between 2010 and 2012, Google searches for the term “infographics” increased by a massive 800%. Because they are so successful at delivering content in a way that consumers find accessible and valuable, the demand for infographics continues to grow.
Drawing from UX and advertising principles, an infographic has the potential to serve as a resource that benefits both brand and audience. Infographics are a powerful strategic medium for communicating information in a stylized way that reflects and strengthens brand identity. An infographic that captures the eye and provides value is a piece of shareable content that doesn’t feel like an advertisement, but still has the potential to reflect important messages about your business. In a visual culture, being able to express who you are and what you do in a visual way is a crucial aspect of brand identity.
In addition to catching the eye of an audience, infographics also convey information in a way that increases the potential for retention. People are much more likely to remember a visually compelling graphic than a mere paragraph of text. Research has demonstrated that when people hear information, they typically remember only 10% of that information three days later. When the same information is paired with a relevant image, however, retention after a 3-day period increases to 65%. In psychology terms this is known as the “Picture Superiority Effect,” and it has repeatedly been demonstrated through multiple clinical experiments.
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