A Completely new technology that took its root in last 4-5 years, social media is rapidly turning out to be an efficient way of modern marketing .
What exactly is this social media revolution?
Managing an effective presence on each of the “BIG THREE” (Facebook, Twitter and Google+), has become a MUST for any business to get powerful online campaigns. It is interesting to know the fact that there are 665 million of daily active users on Facebook and over 500 million registered accounts on Twitter. Also it is important to have a good presence across social profiles such as LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Stumbleupon, and Reddit for those companies looking to reach greater exposure in the digital market.
Here are some of the huge benefits of Social Media:
1. Showcase your brand in global market among millions of viewers.
2. Increased online exposure
3. Increased credibility of your business
4. Bost traffic on your website
5. Increased leads and sales.
6. Reduced expenses from any other form of marketing.
Some facts that you should know:
72% of all internet businesses are now active on social media
18-29 year old have an 89% usage
The 30-49 bracket sits at 72%
60 percent of 50 to 60 year old are active on social media
In the 65 plus bracket, 43% are using social media
For more details, please feel free to read more.